


Corporate Social Responsibility

Asahisuisan’s CSR Activities

Asahisuisan Co., Ltd. has been helping customers thrive by providing safe and delicious marine products from Japan. Then with the move to Toyosu Market on October of 2018, to stabilize the safety and sanitization, we revised the food safety management system from scratch to give customer peace of mind while delivery safer products.
Additionally, to sustain a continuous flow of marine products delivery, we planned to protect the limited marine resources,
Since we started conducting food-based business, we have dedicated ourselves to contribute to our customers as well as the society at large to help them prosper.

Food Safety System Certification(FSSC)22000

To provide safe and reliable products for our customers, we acquired the Foundation Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC) and have established a hygiene management system. We also manage and are constantly improving the hygiene management system to strive to supply pure, high-quality, uncontaminated products.

Certificate of Registration FSSC22000(Version 5)
Certification Scheme ISO22000:2005、ISO/TS22002-1
PAS221、FSSC22000 (Version 5)
Registered Category C1 (Processing of perishable animal products), F1 (Retail / Wholesale)
Registration Date October 10th, 2019
Registration number FS-080
Examination Registration Organization AUDIS Co., Ltd.
Registered organization Asahisuisan Co., Ltd.
Address Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-5-1
Registered Facilities Headquaters Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-6-1 Management Facility Bld. 517
Processing Bld. Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-5-2 Processing and Packaging Bld. 401-D
Wholesale Processing Area Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-5-1  Wholesale Market Area “I” 111~112
Wholesale Store Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-5-1  Wholesale Market Area 8118~8126
Registration Applicable for: Processing and packaging of wholesale products such as seafood as well as perishable foods (fishery products, fruits and vegetables)

MSC/ASC CoC Certification(Sustainable Seafood)


In September 2015, the United Nations Summit adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be completed by the year 2030. Within the 17 goals, the 14th goal “Life Below Water”. This goal has a target plan to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” which is needs to make progress.

Currently, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 58.1% of marine resources are said to be fully-exploited or fully-fished while 31.4% is estimated as over-exploited or overfished. We must act immediately to preserve marine life and resources. To contribute the preservation of the ocean resources, for example, one can make an agreement on an appropriate haul amount beforehand and have eco-friendly labels on the products for customers to choose from.

Asahisuisan has officially been awarded the MSC and ASC CoC (Chain of Custody) certificates so that many customers can use certified MSC and ASC products, which are ecolabels with both the MSC and ASC logos. Customers are protecting the limited marine resources by purchasing these certified products.

Certificate Name MSC/ASC CoC Certification
Registered Version Standard Version(Version 5.0)
Date of Issue March 27th, 2020
MSC CoC Certificate Registration Number MSC-C-57958
ASC CoC Certificate Registration Number ASC-C-02706
Issued by Amita Corporation
Registered Facilities 1, Wholesale Processing Area Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-5-1
2, Processing Bld. Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-5-2
3, Headquarters Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-6-1
4, Freezer Warehouse Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-6-3 Stored in Housui Refrigeration Division
Registration Applicable Please contact us

To protect limited marine resources, Asahisuisan will continue to take measures in sustainable seafood.





Business hours:7:30~16:00
Closed:Capends on the Tokyo Central Wholesale Business Day Calendar.


Zip Code: 135-0061
Tokyo, Koto-ku, Toyosu 6-6-1 Management Facility Bld. 517
Business hours:7:30~16:00
Closed:Depends on the Tokyo Central Wholesale Business Day Calendar.


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